ReNew Vision 更新視野 - 五種線上體驗,拉闊藝術定義,打開生活觸覺 | Brighten up the day with five online experiences that promise to redefine the arts and sharpen your senses.
See 字進入 | It All Begins with a Word
線上大台主 | My Main Stage Online
耳震盪 | E(ar)-Storm
威尼斯石頭記 | Stones of Venice
空氣頌 | Aria
全新網上演藝平台 10月16日啟動  | A new online performing arts platform opens on October 16
YouTube | Facebook: ReNew Vision 更新視野
康樂署網上資源中心 LCSD Online Resources Centre
康樂及文化事務署  Leisure and Cultural Services Department

藝術節辦事處 Festivals Office

Level 5, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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