How I learned to do BAD drifting

How I learned to do BAD drifting

HerStory Polygon
Artsnap Artsnap
The vicinity of Kwai Tsing Theatre
3.11 (Sat)4pm, 6pm,
9pm & 11pm
4.11 (Sun)12nn, 2pm,
4pm & 6pm
Approx. 60 minutes
In Cantonese
Participants will be taken to outdoor locations in vehicles, please bring smartphone and earphones
Please gather at the Kwai Tsing Theatre Plaza 15 minutes before the event begins
Suitable for those aged 12 or above
Sense Sense Sense Sense

Design Concept

HerStory Polygon

Mobile theatre wheeled across Kwai Tsing District on the pretext of urban planning

Many aspects of our city lives are unconsciously shaped by urban planning.

Learn more about how our environment moulds us in this fascinating hour-long tour around Kwai Tsing. Here, you can don your sunglasses, switch on the audio, and jump aboard our 7-seater for a trip that introduces you to a new world of time and space. Check out different impressions of collective memory and how together they can reveal essential truths about life. Participants will make the journey in groups, use a mobile app, and enjoy surprising encounters at scenic spots along the way.

Related Info

This programme offers no car chases but only a fun-filled road trip
Meet-the-artist session after the 4 November (6pm) performance

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